
Want to connect with me? Here’s how:

1 – Pitch Me for Investment. If you are an early stage entrepreneur in the retail/consumer space (B2B, DTC, etc.) and would like to pitch me, please send your pitch deck) to – no warm intro needed!

2 – Sign up for Advisory/Feedback. Sign up for an advisory or feedback session with me – whether that’s pitch deck feedback, help with financial models, fundraising advice, etc. I am an advisor member of The North, a platform that connects founders to experts. You can sign up for a 30-minute session here.

3 – Join the Retail X Series Community. Sign up to be part of the Retail X Series community, which includes a variety of resources for founders including a podcast, webinars, Slack community and more. You can sign up for Retail X Series emails here.

4 – Sign up for my Blog Posts. To sign up for emails containing my latest blog posts, click here:

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